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Pakistan Domain Registrar PKNIC website Hacked by PAKbugs

Once again PKNIC hacked . Pakistan hacker group PAKbugs hacked the Pakistan .pk registrar website and defaced news sites

Once again Hackers successfully breached the PKNIC website( - a Registrar for Pakistan's .pk domains. The hack was done by a hacker group called PAKbugs.

“, and many others hacked,” ZombiE_KsA, the hacker, said. “More coming, stay tuned,” the hacker said.

The hackers – ZombiE_KsA, Z3r0Byt3, Xploiter and Dr Freak – criticised PKNIC for being unable to fix the vulnerabilities in its DNS servers.

“Here we go again, you think you control .pk domains? … You don’t! Today, we are controlling .pk domains,” Hacker said in the defacement page. “After you patched your shitty system, we still owned you,” the message read.

"Here we go again, you think you control .pk domains? LOL you don't! today we are controlling .pk domains! " The Hacker said in the defacement page "after you patched your shitty system we still owned you it was perfect security"

Hacker claimed to have dumped 23,000 accounts information belong to government ,news, blogs, forums and other website. They defaced,,

At the end of defacement, hackers asked the PKNIC to contact PakBugs on their official forum for patching the vulnerability.

This is not the first time the PKNIC is being under cyber attack.  At the end of last year(November),Turkish Hacker group Eboz has breached the PKNIC website and defaced all top websites including Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and more.

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PKNIC hacked