Slovenian Police performed 12 house searches and arrested five cyber criminals who are believed to be responsible for the malware attacks that steals money from companies bank accounts.
It all started last year when the Slovenian national Computer Emergency Response Team(SI-CERT) started receive reports regarding a malware attacks.
The victims received emails pretending to be coming from a local bank and state tax authority with a Trojan horse attached.
The malware installs the Remote Administration tool that steals victim's e-banking credentials and send it to the cyber criminals.
"With stolen credentials and in the case where the victim did not remove the smart card containing the bank-issued certificate from the reader after use, the doors to the company's bank accounts were left open to the criminal gang." SI-CERT's report reads.
The attackers cleverly planned their attacks to happen on Fridays or the day before national holidays, so that the companies wouldn't immediately notice the theft.
According to the report, the criminal group used 25 money mules to transfer around 2 million Euros.