A Pakistani Hacker named "P@KhTuN~72" from hacker team "Pak Cyber Eaglez" has targeted the Egyptian websites and took control of about 200 Egypt websites.
After breaching the websites, they have managed to upload "index.html" or "pce.html" that has the defacement page. In most of the cases, the hacker uploaded the pce.html file. They left the main page as it is.
The hacked sites includes one Government website "General Authority For Supply Commodities(gasc.gov.eg), one university website "elmaref.edu.eg" and other 180+ websites.
Hacker didn't mention any specific reason for attacking those websites. At the time of writing, we are still able to see the defacement page. The full list of hacked site with mirror can be found here: pastebin.com/C0b6AyXa