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Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO and MoCHTA websites hacked

Sil3nt hack3r , a member of hacking crew called as Muslim Cyber Sh3ll'z, has breached multiple Bangladesh government websites and left those sites defaced.

Sil3nt hack3r , a member of hacking crew called as Muslim Cyber Sh3ll'z, has breached multiple Bangladesh government websites and left those sites defaced.

The list of affected websites includes Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs, Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO, BPSC Departmental Examination( and Cabinet Division( .

The security breach was done few days ago but still few sites are not recovered by the admin and displays the defacement page.

We can still able to see the defacement page at '' and ''.

Apart from Bangladeshi government websites, the crew also defaced Indian government website( , Vietnam govt. (

This is not the first time the Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO being attacked.  It was defaced multiple times in the past ,  last month it was defaced by Rahm Anonymous.

*Outdated Joomla:
 At EHN, we have found those affected government websites are using outdated Joomla version 1.5 that has multiple critical vulnerabilities.
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Muslim Cyber Sh3llz