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Email Account's of Jeffrey Tambor hacked by "Guccifer"

The AOL mail account of Jeffery Tambor and his wife Kasia was hacked by a "celebrity hacker" called Guccifer. The hacker is also the reason behind many recent leaks on Dorothy Bush Koch ,  Colin Powell ,  Lisa Murkowski ,Jim Nantz , Patricia Legere , Bill Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal.

He leaked lots of data from the hacked accounts including private pictures and correspondences. He used Jeffrey Tambor's email account to distribute material previously stolen from the mail accounts of other victims, including former Bill Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal and Joseph Verner Reed, a top United Nations under-secretary-general.And like his previous hacks he leaked private pictures of Mr.Jeffery Tambor.

 He also used the AOL account of  Kasia Tambor’s to send mails to reporters containing a memos of that Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton  about the political situation in Libya.

Based on past attacks the IP address of the hacker is said to be from Russia but it is most probably a proxy, a hacker who is smart enough to pull of such hacks will not be leaving traces.

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