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E! News Twitter account and SMS Service hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

E! News Twitter account and SMS Service hacked by Syrian Electronic Army - tweet fake headlines about Justin Bieber.

The Syrian Electronic army once again strikes another news organization. The Twitter account(Eonline) belong to the Entertainment news organization E! Online which had more than 5.2M followers was hacked by the SEA.

The hackers tweeted fake messages after hijacking the account.  "Exclusive: Justin Bieber to E!online: I'm a gay," reads the first fake tweets posted by SEA.

"E! News Breaking: Justin Bieber arrested in Dubai due to false tweets with him coming out situation developing" another tweet reads.

"This account @eonline was compromised and some incorrect information was sent out. " E! online confirmed the security breach. "We're working with Twitter now to fix this."

The hacker also managed to compromise the SMS service of E! Online and sent the above message as well as the following message "E! News Breaking: Fuck Barack Obama via Syrian Electronic Army"

"This message will reach 33,684 subscribers... From E!News SMS Service Control Panel" Hacker posted in their official twitter account.
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Twitter account hacked