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US Honolulu Police Department and 1090 websites hacked as part of #OpUSA

An anonymous hacktivist with the handle CharafAnons has claimed to have hacked into more than 990 websites as part of the ongoing cyberattack operation "#OpUSA".
An anonymous hacktivist with the handle CharafAnons has claimed to have hacked into more than 990 websites as part of the ongoing cyberattack operation "#OpUSA".

The list of hacked websites can be found here: " "  The hacker has uploaded the defacement page as "jihad.htm" file.

Another hacker group named  X-BLACKERZ INC has breached the official website of US Honolulu Police Department(  The hackers claimed to have compromised the database.

They leaked two database dumps that contains the name, email addresses and login credentials for mail account .

X-BLACKERZ INC has claimed to have breached 100 US websites as part of the operation USA.  The list can be found here: ""

The source says the hackers are going to attack the high profile websites of United States on May 7.  Hackers posted the list of target ""
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