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Handheld Malware Scanner made with Raspberry Pi

Icarus Labs , a private research labs under the Cyber Security & Foundation, have created a program that would turn the Raspberry Pi, a small computer running Linux into a handheld malware scanner.

We learned earlier this year that U.S based power plant systems were infected with a malware after an employee used his infected USB drive to update software. Last year, the notorious Stuxnet worm was delivered to Iranian nuclear plant on USB stick.

We also learned last year that cybercriminals attempt to infiltrate the multinational chemicals firm DSM by leaving the malware loaded USB sticks in company car park.

The notorious targeted malware such as Stuxnet, Flame and more contained code to propagate via USB flash drives.One employee inadvertently using the infected usb drive puts the entire system at risk.

To bring end to this and boosts the security, Icarus Labs , a private research labs under the Cyber Security & Foundation, have created a program that would turn the Raspberry Pi, a small computer running Linux into a handheld malware scanner.

Users can plug their USB drive that is to be scanned.  It is said that the Pi will scan all the files in the drive and "check the signatures of 44 different antivirus providers to see if the file is malicious or not".

"This device can be deployed at entry points where it will be used to scan the USBs that are allowed in. This will prevent malicious software from getting in. "

It is also said that once the program is started, no further maintenance is required.  The device is designed in a such way that can be used by even non-technical person like security guards.

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