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Hackers convince bank to send $15000 wire transfer with the help of Hacked Gmail account

Cybercriminals hacked the Gmail account of a Dubai based Indian expatriate Anil Abraham and used the account to convince bank to transfer $15,000 from his bank account in India.

It is time to enable the Google two-step authentication feature.  If the website is providing you additional security feature, it is always good to use that feature.  This news will help you to understand the risk of ignoring the additional security feature.

Cybercriminals hacked the Gmail account of a Dubai based Indian expatriate Anil Abraham and used the account to convince bank to transfer $15,000 from his bank account in India.

When Anil contacted the Bank, he was told by the Branch Manager that the Money was transferred at his request only via email.  The cybercriminals are reportedly send a signed document with the email to trick the Bank into transfer the money.

According to Emirates247 report, the money was transferred to someone named Garry Albert Frazer to Westpac bank account in New Zealand.

Anil said whoever hacked into his email id had managed to steal fianancial information and managed to use those info to write email to Bank with forged signature.

I'm still wondering how bank allowed the cyber criminal to steal the money, they usually don't allow us to transfer money via email accounts without any personal verification.  As far as i know, Bank always careful when it comes to big amount of transfer - $15,000(nearly 90,0000 Rupees).

Though it is mistake of Bank, It is always good to enable security feature on your side.  Don't wait until your account get hacked, Enable the Two-step authentication :
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