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National Transport Authority website of United Arab Emirates defaced

A Hackers with handle SNipEr AL BaHa and CrAzY HaCkEr have hacked into the National Transport Authority website of United Arab Emirates.( and left it defaced.

A Hackers with handle SNipEr AL BaHa and CrAzY HaCkEr have hacked into the National Transport Authority website of United Arab Emirates.( and left it defaced.

"Countries cooperating with Iran with Israel with USA God means Tbowona the City jinx you, O man, and follows you Weah." The defacement message reads.(translated )

"For Zbowoowon of Arifi become God Nkhalakm not you after me first right of residence site then the second factor you a Aharikmmmm government. In the Aldkhalah Ministry Emirates Aharikm Post puck up the site with information Alhadha with data domain Hloohha the true"

At the time of writing article, the website still displays the defacement message.  

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Defaced Website