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Stuxnet worm Created by NSA and Israel, Says Edward Snowden

While it's been widely speculated that the notorious computer worm Stuxnet was the result of partnership between US and Israel, the famous NSA Whistleblower "Edward Snowden" has confirmed it

While it's been widely speculated that the notorious computer worm Stuxnet was the result of partnership between US and Israel, the famous NSA Whistleblower "Edward Snowden" has confirmed it.

Stuxnet was a highly-complex malware discovered in 2010, used as cyber weapon against the Iran's nuclear program.

Snowden answered a few interesting questions in an Interview had with Germany's Der Spiegel Magazine.

When Interviewer asked about the NSA involvement in Stuxnet, Snowden confirmed that saying "NSA and Israel co-wrote it".

When asked about German authorities involvement in NSA surveillance system, Snowden confirmed that saying "Yes, of course. We're 1 in bed together with the Germans the same as with most other Western countries."
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