We invite you to the Defcon Bangalore 2013 Meet. Defcon Bangalore is information security meet that you should not miss- The place where top Indian security researchers gather to share their knowledge.
The meet is going to be organized on coming Saturday, August 17th 2013 - The day that will give a chance for you to meet the WhiteHat hackers.
The reason why we mentioned this meet shouldn't be missed is that there are hackers from Brazil going to give a talk on "SCADA Exploitation".
Final list of Speakers:
- Himanshu Sharma – Planning to rob someone? Here is an easier way
- Ajin Abraham – Pwning with XSS reverse Shell
- Dr. Daniel Singh – Tracing the Ghosts of Cyber World
- Manas Prathim Sharma – IUTM
- Francis Alexander – Abusing LFI-RFI with a twist
- Aditya Gupta and Subho Halder – Droid Exploitation
Training Track Sessions By
- Aditya Gupta and Subho Halder on Droid Exploitation
- Bitcoins – Suriya Prakash
- Deep Web – The TOR network – Nikhil P Kulkarni
- Sabari Selvan on Exploit code writing
- Hacking Hardwares with Raspberry Pi – Yashin Mehboobe
You can find more details at http://defcon.cysecurity.org/