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Used memory sticks being sold online contains sensitive Government data

Selling an used memory sticks often pose an information security risk. A recent study found that "used memory sticks" being sold on the Internet contain sensitive Australian Government data.

Selling an used memory sticks often pose an information security risk-  We might be thinking that we completely erased the data from it, but it is possible to recover the files that are not properly deleted with the help of some tools.

A recent study found that "old memory sticks" being sold online contain sensitive Australian Government data.

The research paper which is to be presented at a cyber security conference in Perth reveals how researchers discovered the confidential Government data while they are researching the used memory sticks, The Australian news reports.

The study found that sellers are sending memory cards without properly erasing the data. The recovered data not only contains a personal info but also appears to be information belong to Australian government.

"It is evident that actions must be taken by second hand auction sites, and the media to raise awareness and educate end-users on how to dispose of data in an appropriate manner," the study says.
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