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'Leaky apps' like Angry Birds allows NSA and GCHQ to spy on you

NSA and GCHQ have been working to develop ways to collect your personal information from so-called "leaky" phone apps such as Angry birds.

Do You know while you are busy in hitting the pigs in angry birds game, US and UK Spy agencies collecting your personal data?

A recently leaked classified documents by whistleblower Edward Snowden show NSA and GCHQ have been working to develop ways to collect your personal information from so-called "leaky" phone apps.

According to Guardian,  Such apps allow the spy agencies to collect information including phone details and personal info such as age, gender and location and in some cases even sexual orientation.

One of the slides titled "Golden Nugget" shows how NSA able to obtain phone type, buddy lists, "possible image",location and other data, when a user upload a photo taken via mobile.

Many social networking sites such as facebook removes the EXIF metadata(which contains the geolocation details). Guardians points out that agencies still can collect those data, as it is transferred across the networks.

On the other hand, Rovio, the creator of Angry Birds, said in a press release that it doesn't share any data with spy agencies.  It points finger at the third-party advertising networks.

"The alleged surveillance may be conducted through third party advertising networks used by millions of commercial web sites and mobile applications across all industries" Rovio's statement reads.
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