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European Cyber Army leaks 60k credentials compromised from Syrian sites

More than 60,000 accounts details have been leaked by a hacker from European cyber army(ECA) going by handle "Zer0Pwn".

More than 60,000 accounts details have been leaked by a hacker from European cyber army(ECA) going by handle "Zer0Pwn".

The database dump is said to be compromised from two syrian websites : and

Hacker posted a sample data in a paste( entitled "ECA vs. Assad" along with a link to full database dump.  The dump contains names, email ids, passwords, phone number and other details.

While the passwords compromised from are encrypted, the passwords from are in plain text format.

Lee J from Cyber War News analyzed the full database dump and reported that database dumps from contain more than 4000 unique login credentials and database dumps from contains more than 50,000 login credentials.

Some other members from ECA has attacked and compromised admin's login credential.

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Database hacked

Database Leaked

European Cyber army