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Kali Linux website hacked by The GreaT Team

Earlier Today, a Libyan Hackers group "The GreaT Team(TGT)" have breached the mailing list subdomain of Kali website(
When it comes to Security, No ONE is 100% Secure.  Even the world most popular Security-related Linux provider Kali is no exception to this fact.

Earlier Today, a Libyan Hackers group "The GreaT Team(TGT)" have breached the mailing list subdomain of Kali website(

The hacker managed to change the descriptions of two lists which was being shown in the front page of the subdomain. One of the description is "Hacked By The GreaT TeAm -TGT ", other one is "Libyan Hackers".

After became aware of the breach, Kali Team immediately take down the entire sub-domain to offline.  The team said it is an inactive sub-domain.

"Looks like our inactive, 3rd party, 0 volume mailing list was hacked. DNS entry removed - back to sleep, problem solved." Kali Team's response to the breach.

It is worth to note that Kali Team has already have a bug bounty program- Researchers who report security bugs in their website will get reward.  But, Security researcher Rafay Baloch who discovered few security bugs in kali website highlighted the fact the "Bug Bounty" didn't help much.

The mirror of the defacement is here:
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