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Game Over for GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker malware that stole millions

The U.S Department of Justice announced that FBI and other international Law enforcements have disrupted two of the world's most notorious botnet : GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker ransomware.
Image Credits: Symantec

The U.S Department of Justice announced that FBI and other international Law enforcements have disrupted two of the world's most notorious botnets: GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker ransomware.

Game Over Zeus is one of the most notorious botnets which first emerged in September 2011 responsible for millions of infections worldwide.  It is based on the original Zeus malware, attempts to steal financial information from the victim.

According to the United States Department of Justice report, the cybercriminals behind the GameOver Zeus have stolen more than $100 million.

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev, 30-year-old Russian, has been charged for his alleged role as an admin of the Gameover Zeus botnet.

Cryptolocker is a particularly nasty piece of malware that encrypts all files on the infected machine, then demands a ransom to unlock it.  If the files are important one and no backup is there, victims don't have choice other than paying ransom to get a key to unlock.

DOJ report suggests that more than 200k computers have been infected by this ransomware as of April.  The malware appeared in September 2013, within two months cyber criminals collected more than $27 million.

Symantec has also released a tool to remove GameOver malware completely from your computer.  You can download it from here.
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