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Alleged Author of Android "Heart App" virus arrested

An Android Virus spotted by security researchers at Sophos Labs spreads by sending SMS containing a download link to the first 99 contacts of victims.
An Android Virus spotted by security researchers at Sophos Labs spreads by sending SMS containing a download link to the first 99 contacts of victims.

The malware goes by the name XXshenqi in Chinese and being called as "Heart App" in English.

After sending SMS to the first 99 entries of victim's contact list, the malware sends a confirmation message to the attacker's number.

The malware also asks victims to register and asks them to enter their personal details including Resident Identity card number, Full name. Once the victim clicks the register button, the data entered by victim will be SMSed to the attacker's number.

It also tricks victims into installing a secondary component ( that doesn't show up on the regular "Apps" page.  Trogoogle is capable of reading your incoming messages.

An unnamed 19 year old Software engineering student was arrested by by police in Shenzhen accused of being author of the "Heart App" malware.

To remove this virus completely, go to "Settings -> Apps -> Downloaded" and Uninstall both '' and 'XX神器'
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