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North Korean hackers, now have power to kill

The Professor revealed this piece of information to BBC and said that North Korea approximately had around 6,000 trained military grade hackers
Prof Kim Heung-Kwang, a defector from North Korea who escaped from the country in 2004, has revealed that North Korean hackers have enough control over infrastructure that they could theoretically even kill people.

The Professor revealed this piece of information to BBC and said that North Korea approximately had around 6,000 trained military grade hackers. He has urged international organizations to step in and defuse the threat North Korea's hackers are becoming.

Before defecting from North Korea, Prof Kim taught at the Hamheung Computer Technology University for 20 years in the field of computer science.

Bureau 121, North Korea's hacking unit, has been widely accused of being responsible for recent hacks like the Sony Pictures one that occurred last year.

Many of the attacks of North Korea seem to be focused on their immediate neighbor, South Korea.
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