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Trend Micro discovers vulnerability in Android debugger "Debuggerd"

Trend Micro has found a new vulnerability that exists in phones running Android IceCream Sandwich to Lollipop.

Trend Micro has found a new vulnerability that exists in phones running Android IceCream Sandwich to Lollipop.

The vulnerability in the debugging program of Android, Debuggered, allows a hacker to view the device's memory and the data stored on it.

You can create a special ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file to crash the debugger and then you can view the dumps and log files of content stored on the memory.

The glitch in itself is not a big threat but the type of data it can give a hacker access to can lead to a difficult situation.

Google is said to be working on a fix in the next version of Android for this.
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Android Vulnerability
