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Islamist hacking group targets Dublin gym websites

After getting into the websites, the hackers have posted a video which contains graphic images of dead, injured people and a woman with an American accent reading a message criticising the war on terror.
Photo Courtesy: RTE News

The RTÉ News has confirmed that the websites of three gyms, which are owned by South Dublin County Council and independently run and operated on behalf of the council by South Dublin Leisure Services Limited, have been temporarily shut down after a hacking attack by an “Islamist hacking group”.

After getting into the websites, the hackers have posted a video which contains graphic images of dead, injured people and a woman with an American accent reading a message criticizing the war on terror.

The hackers posted a message on the images which read, “Admin Don't Worry This Is just A Message And You Can Remove It. Your Website Has Been Defaced Cuz Just We Want To Show The Reality To da World. This Is The real Terrorism."

Along with the video, the hackers also posted a logo for the Liber8 Tunisia Facebook page.

“Prior to being deactivated, visitors to the web pages of the Clondalkin Leisure Centre were redirected to a page that claimed the breach was carried out by an organization describing itself as the Tunisian Fallaga Team,” the news report read.

The websites of leisure centres in Tallaght and Lucan are also inactive following the apparent attack.

According to the RTÉ News, Philip Murphy, Senior Executive Officer with the council said, "The matter has been brought to our attention this morning and we are taking appropriate action to rectify this situation. The offending material has been removed and a full investigation is under way."
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