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Disable Java in your browsers, if installed as researchers spotted new Java based Zero-day Exploit

Researchers from Trend Micro have found out suspicious URLs that hosted a newly discovered Zero-day exploit, which refers to a hole in software that is exploited by hackers before the vendor becomes aware of it, in Java.

Researchers from Trend Micro have found out suspicious URLs that hosted a newly discovered Zero-day exploit, which refers to a hole in software that is exploited by hackers before the vendor becomes aware of it, in Java.

Brooks Li, a threat analyst and Feike Hacquebord, a senior threat researcher, who spotted this exploit, said that this was the first time in nearly two years that a new Java zero-day vulnerability was reported.

The researchers came to know about this exploit after receiving a feedback in their  Smart Protection Network.

According to the report, this new zero-day Java Exploit is being used in spear-phishing attacks targeting a certain forces of NATO country and a US Defence Organization
This zero-day bug affects only the latest Java version not the older versions, Java 1.6 and 1.7.
The vulnerability is still not patched by the company concerned.

According to the report, the URLs hosting the new Java zero-day exploit are similar to the URLs seen in the attack launched by the threat actors behind Pawn Storm that targeted North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members and White House last April 2015.

The researchers have asked the users to disable Java in browsers if installed due to an application.
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Java Exploits


Vulnerability report

Zero Day exploit