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$376,000 for Informer in Ashley Madison hacking case

Avid Life Media (ALM), parent company of Ashely Madison, is offering a $500,000 (Canadian dollars) as a prize money for any information related to the “identification, arrest and prosecution” of those hackers,who all were responsible in recent hack of the website.
Avid Life Media (ALM), parent company of Ashely Madison,  is offering a $500,000 (Canadian dollars) as a prize money for any information related to the “identification, arrest and prosecution” of those hackers,who all were responsible in recent hack of the website.

Avid Life Media confirmed that the data Impact Life stole is legit.

The legal investigation has been started. With the help of Toronto police department and “white hat “hackers, they are hoping to find the perpetrators.

During press conference, acting superintendent Bryce Evans said that hackers have "certain techniques to help us and assist us.” He also said that they would lean on its “good working relationship” with the US Security agency FBI and Homeland Security.

The Toronto police and AML motivated to find the hackers responsible for data breach, Evans  referred to  two suicides that appears to be reason related to the Ashley Madison breach, "spin-off crimes and further victimization" from people accessing the hacked data.

$500,000 canadian dollar accounts for $376,000 US dollars.
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