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World’s first hacking tournament to be held in Las Vegas

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC) finals will take place between the two of the biggest hacking conventions: Black Hat USA and DEF CON on 4 August in Las Vegas.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC) finals will take place between the two of the biggest hacking conventions: Black Hat USA and DEF CON on 4 August in Las Vegas.

The goal of this tournament is to find out whether artificial intelligence-fueled machines can beat even the best meat-based hackers.

Mike Walker, a program manager for the CGC, told Tech Insider that "Cyber grand challenge is about bringing autonomy to the cyber domain. What we hope to see is proof that the entire security life cycle can be automated."

DARPA says that identifying new flaws and threats and then patching them takes a lot of the time, this needs to speed up, in the meantime, it gives an opportunity for the hackers to take the advantage of the flaw. “Discover, prove and fix software flaws in real-time, without any assistance.”

DARPA  is organizing the world’s first all-machine hacking tournament.

Seven finalist teams that will be competing at the security shows are bearing names such as Deep Red, Shellphish, and Forallsecure etc.

To gain an invitation to this final event finalists had fielded an autonomous system on June 3, that found and fixed enough vulnerabilities.

The payouts will be sizable: the first prize will be $2 million, while second and third will get $1 million and $750,000, respectively.
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