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Secret links between Trump and Russian bank’s servers uncovered

When a group of computer scientists went out to determine if the hackers were interfering with Donald Trump campaign, they found shocking results and revealed the world that Trump has maintained a private server for exclusive communication with a Russian bank.

However, the campaign has denied the report of having any relationship with Russia’s largest private commercial bank in Moscow, Alfa Bank and so has the bank.

Earlier also the presidential candidate who has lauded Russian president, Vladimir putin for his leadership has been accused with the same for spying over its rival, Hilary Clinton. Rumors of an internet connection between the bank and a web address linked to the Trump Organization have been circulating in Washington for a number of weeks.

The group of computer scientists who are nicknamed as Tea Leaves claimed that the servers of the organization were designed to communicate in 'secretive' way.

Earlier this year, the Russian hackers had infiltrated the servers of the Democratic National Committee, an attack persuasively detailed by the respected cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.

Slate website which published the report had conducted an investigation into the means by which scientists uncovered this data and the extent to which it may be linked to the 2016 election. Currently, sufficient evidence does not exist to bring forth allegations. However, the evidence found is reasonable enough to trust.

Closer observation revealed the server, registered to Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue, was communicating exclusively and covertly with Alfa Bank’s two servers.

The Trump Organization server was created in 2009 for marketing purposes but press secretary of campaign, Hope Hicks has said that the server “operated by a third-party has not been used since 2010. The current traffic on the server from Alphabank’s IP address is regular DNS server traffic – not email traffic.”

The scientists have claimed that Trump’s servers went dark after the reporters pounded the organisatin with questions.

Alfa Bank, helmed by Mikhail Fridman and Pyotyr Aven, does have dealings in the United States. LetterOne, one of the bank’s holding companies, invested $200 million in Uber this year and intends to commit $3 billion to United States health care. Alfa Bank has not involved itself in shady business; it has even received an award for “Corporate Citizenship.”

Denying all the reports and links with the campaign, Alfa Bank has said that the cybersecurity experts hired by the bank are investigating into the act and have doubts that the activity could have been caused by a spam attack.

The relationship between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank also seems connected to or at least influenced by the election.

Tea Leaves encountered the server registered to the Trump Organization by scouring the domain name system (DNS). According to the DNS specialists two Alfa Bank servers accounted for 87% of the DNS lookups involving the Trump Organization server.

The DNS is a protocol that regulates communications on the internet. It is what allows internet users to type in the name of the website and to land on the appropriate page.

Trump has indicated that he favors Russia, from his disinclination to protect NATO allies from a Russian attack, to his campaign’s alleged demand that the GOP adjust its position on Ukraine so that it was more amenable to Russia. And Russia is suspected of hacking into Democratic National Committee emails, and into other voting systems in the U.S. Russian officials have even asked to be present at polling stations on November 8.

Though more evidence is awaited, this looks a grave matter.
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