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More UK web users to become techie in 2017

The British Investigatory Powers bill states that all communications will suffer the lack of privacy online. The Internet Service Providers will need to collect data as to their users which will include include each person's browsing history, user names and passwords, location data, billing information, address, device identifiers and volumes of data exchanged. Such data will be available to the authorities upon request. GCHQ and MI5 will also have the freedom to collect information towards protecting national security.

This will turn users towards Tor and the Dark Web so that they can remain anonymous while surfing the web and almost everyone sensitive to internet privacy will become a security expert in 2017 because without security, they will no longer be able to guarantee their privacy.

In 2015, it was revealed in the course of court proceedings that UK intelligence agencies had been unlawfully monitoring conversations between lawyers and their clients in cases against the state. According to the Interception of Communications Commissioner's Office, police spied on more than 100 journalists and almost 250 sources between 2011 and 2014.

Tor is free and open source software, able to offer an anonymous path on the internet.Users can also maintain their anonymity by hardware usage like Edward Snowden did by creating an i-phone case which detected data leak.

The government responded by passing this bill in March 2016 which received Royal Assent after being passed by the House of Lords in November 2016, putting their activities on a statutory footing. 

The IP Bill makes bulk interception - tapping and storage of phone calls, emails and other communications - explicitly legal. As security services increasingly cannot acquire the data they want through these methods - because messages on phones are more commonly encrypted - they will also be empowered to use a new method, "bulk equipment interference", or more commonly said as hacking.

After the Royal Queen gave her assent to the bill, it will now start hindering with others privacy and wreak havoc. At the beginning of 2017, the new legislation will come into full effect.

It is unclear yet if this attempt of UK government is going to work practically or not. But a similar attempt failed in Denmark after seven years of implementation where it helped in only one investigation. So Denmark stopped this legislation in 2014.

The UK government is yet not thinking about the adverse repercussions of this decision which can expose all the data if a massive hack takes place and all the information can get into the hands of powerful online villains.

As the limitations grow larger by the day, new solutions will emerge to satisfy the needs of the public.
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