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Apple to upgrade MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook

Apple Inc.  is planning to announce an update for its laptop at an  app annual conference for app developers in June. This would definatley help Apple to revive its iPad sales.

It is being reported that Apple is also planning to launch three new laptops. One of new version is 12-inch MacBook with a faster Intel chip.

However, they are also considering to update their most popular and cheapest 13-inch MacBook Air with a new processor as it remain the most sold among the Apple laptops.

For the first time Microsoft Corp. has launched its Surface Laptop, which has a stable version of windows, takes only seconds to boot up, and has a touch screen. Microsoft’s first real laptop is considered as a biggest rival to the MacBook Air.

According to the reports of the Bloomberg news, MacBook Pro would look much similar to the latest model and it will mostly differ in internal architecture. Future MacBook Pro model will have  low-power mode.

Apple hasn’t announced any hardware upgradation for the last seven years. Last time it did when they launched the Mac Pro and updated the MacBook Air in 2013. This year, they are likely to announce an upgraded version of the MacOS operating system

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