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HBO's social media accounts hacked

A notorious hacking group has compromised the social media account of the Time Warner-owned cable network, HBO, on Wednesday night.

The hacking group is called OurMine, and they took whole control of the main HBO’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as their network's shows including Game of Thrones.

Message posted on both the social media website read, “Hi, OurَMiَne are here, we are just testing your security, HBO team please contact us to upgrade the security – ourmine .org -> Contact.

While some of the social media posts were removed quickly.

However, HBO did not respond to the BBC's request for comment.

OurMine has a reputation for hacking high-profile Twitter accounts of a wide range of media accounts in past including Netflix, Marvel and Google.

It seems that they didn’t do any harm to the company, they were just demonstrating the group’s ability to take over the account.

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