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Beware of vulnerabilities found in bluetooth

Researchers have discovered a way to take control of your android phones,laptops , smart home devices or Iphones through bluetooth
connection. Millions of devices currently in use across the world are under hacking threat due to this bluetooth vulnerability.

Bluetooth allow devices to connect wirelessly over short distances, this vulnerability could be used by hackers to take control of devices
and extract data from the connected device. because bluetooth technology is enabled in most of the modern devices ,all the brands
including Apple, Microsoft and Samsung are under threat and irrespective of the operating system used in the device the attack can be
carried out. This takes almost all modern devices under serious threat.

According to the researchers at the Security research firm Armis, The researchers managed to hack Samsung galaxy phones, Google
Pixel smartphone,Samsung tablets,car audio systems and LG Sports watch using bluetooth hack.

"The BlueBorne attack concerns us because of the medium by which it operates. Unlike the majority of attacks today, which rely on the internet, a BlueBorne attack spreads through the air," One of the researchers at Armis said.

According to the Armis researchers, the problem has been traced to billions of Android,Samsung, Microsoft, Linux devices and Any  iPhones and iPapds that are not updated to iOS10 or later are also under threat.

The attack allows hackers to steal data and take control over the camera of the device remotely from a very short distance.The attack remains undetected by most security methods , thus making the  attack more dangerous. "Unlike traditional malware or attacks, the user does not have to click on a link or download a questionable file," Armis said. "No action by the user is necessary to enable the attack."

According to the Armis, Microsoft, Linux and Google have released patches that fixes the problem while Samsung, the leading producer of smartphones did not respond regarding the security update
The attack allows hackers to steal data and take control over the camera of the device remotely from a very short distance.The attack remains
undetected by most security methods , thus making the  attack more dangerous. "Unlike traditional malware or attacks, the user does not have to click on a link or download a questionable file,"
Armis said. "No action by the user is necessary to enable the attack."

According to the Armis, Microsoft, Linux and Google have released patches that fixes the problelm while Samsung, the leading producer of smartphones did not respoond regarding the security update
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