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nRansomware demands your 10 nude photos to unlock your computer

Generally, ransomware are designed to extort money or bitcoin from the victims, but a bunch of turpitude designed a ransomware that ask to send 10 nude images of victims in order to unlock their computers.

The year 2017 is one of the worst in the history of cybersecurity, some old and new ransomware like Locky, Mamba, WannaCry, Petya, and many others hit across the world. A new ransomware dubbed as nRansomware could leave your persona life in dishevel.

Researchers at MalwareHunterTeam, experts in the malicious ransom software, published details of nRansomware on Thursday. The research team  posted a screenshot on Twitter of the meassge that's displayed after someone gets infected by the ransomware.

"Your computer has been locked. You can only unlock it with the special unlock code,” the message reads. "After we reply, you must send at least 10 nude pictures of you. After that we will have to verify that the nudes belong to you.”

Once you get infected by this ransomware it locks your computer, and asks you to create an email ID using domain name and send a request to unlock the device. After receiving this it will ask you to send 10 nude images.

Hackers will verify and ensure that photos are of the victims, after all the verification they will send the key code to open the computer.

Till now, there is no solution to the nRansomware, but you can improve the security of your computer to avoid being hacked by any kind ransomware.

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