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Russia, India and other Asian countries targeted by Chinese Hackers

According to the Kaspersky Lab's third quarter report, 10 out of the 24 targeted cyber attacks were organized by groups of Chinese speaking hackers.

According to the Kaspersky Lab's third quarter report, 10 out of the 24 targeted cyber attacks were organized by groups of Chinese speaking hackers.

Experts at Kaspersky said one of the main targets of these cyber criminals was Russian Federation.  They also have targeted other Asian countries which includes India, Mongolia.

In July, Kaspersky detected a cyber espionage campaign(referred as "IronHusky") targeting Russian and Mongolian government, aviation companies, and research institutes.  The incident happened shortly after both countries conducted talks on cooperation in several projects relating to the Air Defense of Mongolia.

Another cyber attack was discovered targeting the Russia and India.  This attack happened after India and Russia signed a much awaited agreement to expand a nuclear power plant in India, as well as further define the defense cooperation between the two countries.  Energy sectors of both countries were targeted with a malicious program named as "H2ODecomposition". 

The experts said that in some case, this malicious software was masquerading as a popular Indian anti-virus solution "QuickHeal".

Kaspersky also noted that Netsarang and CCleaner tools were also targeted by these Chinese-speaking hackers.  The attackers infected the installation packages with a malicious code and hosted on Netsarang distribution site.  Introduction of malicious code into the legitimate software would allow attackers to penetrate the networks of many organizations.

- Christina

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