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Trump apporves ban on use of Kaspersky Lab's anti-virus software

President Donald Trump has finally signed into a legislation that bans the use of a Russia based anti-virus software, Kaspersky Lab,  within the U.S federal agencies.

For past months Kaspersky has tried to mend their relationship with the US and has failed to clear its links with, Russian Intelligence agency, Kremlin.

"The case against Kaspersky is well-documented and deeply concerning. This law is long overdue," said Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

The anti-virus firm has been accused of allowing its anti-virus software to be used by Russian intelligence to exfiltrate information from the PCs of US government officials.

According to the New York Times report, Israel had informed United States about the Russian hackers using anti-virus software to break into NSA's computers to steal secrets.  After this, UK's cybersecurity authorities have also warned its country's agencies against using Kaspersky.

However, Kaspersky Lab has denied all the allegations.

Kaspersky's co-founder Eugene Kaspersky said: "Internet balkanisation benefits no one except cybercriminals. Reduced cooperation among countries helps the bad guys in their operations, and public-private partnerships don't work like they should.

"We need to re-establish trust in relationships between companies, governments and citizens. That's why we're launching this Global Transparency Initiative: we want to show how we're completely open and transparent.

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