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Blackberry launches "Jarvis" to secure driverless cars

Cybersecurity in the automotive industry is set to receive a huge boost as a new software hits the market to help the experts to get wind of the lapses on the cars. Blackberry, which has come up with Jarvis, aims to keep the hackers at bay with the software.

The experts at the North American International Automotive Show say the recently launched software is quite capable to minutely scan the complex automotive cars with a flawed security system. They are of the view that the ongoing schemes of things desperately need a software cybersecurity to discover the lapses if any.

A car requires a number of components number of components to ensure a foolproof security and these layers and components including the high powered sensors and cameras, in fact, are helping to keep the attackers away from the system.

The Blackberry promoted Jarvis can help the drivers get wind of security lapses as it would scan the automotive binary code which is available in a self-driving car software.

The Blackberry experts who have promoted the state-of-the-art software are confident that Jarvis has every capability to scan the security system within minutes. There is no need to keep waiting for even a couple of days.

The experiments are over after Blackberry struck a deal with Jaguar Land Rover for the same. A customized service is available on demand by the automobile companies and these companies are free to go with this software across the software supply system.

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