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Power grids facing cyber security threat

The cyber security experts claimed to have discovered yet another fatal virus in the power grid system forcing the authority to suggest an effective mechanism to deal with the impending security threat in the entire sector.

Named as Wannacry ransomware, the deadly virus is now a new resort for the hackers to target the existing information network of a few power distributors in Ukraine disrupting the entire distribution system in the country. The power distribution functioning in the country’s capital city plunged into a crisis even after a mild attack two years back.

A gang of hackers struck again with the same deadly virus in May last year partially paralyzing many personal computers along with networking systems in more than 100 countries. These include India forcing a worried power ministry to set up a panel of experts in Central Electricity Authority to devise a mechanism to counter the crisis.

The CEA panel submitted its findings in July last year confirming more such attack in the store since the power network deployed to distribute electricity to consumers is, beyond doubt, vulnerable to the hackers.

The expert's talk of a computer worm which permanently disables the smart meters since it keeps moving in the advanced metering infrastructures.

The findings have mentioned the lack of a technical standard to ensure cyber safety and security suggesting the absence of security in the smart grid systems. The report suggested the authority to install an advanced mechanism to share the information on the cyber security incidents.

The CEA experts further agreed that the cyber threats are not predictable which cant be anticipated, unlike other problems and troubles.
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