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How source code leak put Apple in trouble

What makes hackers easy to strike in iOS and iPhones? Consider the case of how key iPhone source code found posted in GitHub.

Cyber experts maintain that iBoot, the GitHub source code acts as the boot of the entire operating mechanism allowing the iPhone to run as soon as it is switched on. It functions like the BIOS of an iPhone to check if it is allowed to execute by Apple.

The entire story here deals with a huge leak of iBoot source code where the most crucial iOS programme found place in a GitHub post. Initially, Apple was averse to put the code in public domain. But after months of will-it-wont it, the software titan a few selected parts of iOS and MacOs have been opened up. In the same breath, Apple took up a slew of measures to ensure safety and privacy of iBoot.

There was flutter in Apple when the iBoot source code was found anonymously posted GitHub. Cyber researchers call the code a real one for iBoot where the huge leak remains still clueless. Initially Apple maintained studied silence. But virtually admitted it as it took resort to a copy right notice and slammed a legal notice to GitHub asking it to drop the code in question. GitHub did it accordingly.

According to another cyber security expert with this access with the iBoot code, they got to know the vulnerabilities and the hackers found it easy to crack the entire system with the flaws in the iPhone.

The iBoot, earlier was easy to allow an access for the hackers to lock the screen and decrypt the data which has forced the new ones to be with a chip to ensure safety and security of the iPhone.

The advanced mechanism has made it difficult for the hackers to come up to the market with iOS devices which puts even many cyber security researches clueless.

These schemes of things, these days, have made it difficult for the hackers to unearth the bugs in iOS.

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