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New spyware posing threat to privacy

RedDrop, the name of a new form of spyware poses no less cyber security threat these days forcing the school of experts to devise a mechanism to firmly deal with this impending infection which keeps spreading at an incredible speed.

Those doing extensive research on the cyber security threat say that the spyware is deployed to steal data from the smartphones to have ensured uninterrupted access to the users' privacy which include the banking activities.

The spyware in question, if deployed to infect a smartphone can pilfer all sensitive belongings, photo, calls, messages stored in it apart from the used Wi-Fi networks.

The cyber experts who claimed to have spotted it have talked of more stunning materials in the Andriod malware to lure the smartphone users to be duped finally.

With this most persistent malware these days, an infected user, mostly, get to know it only after receive an exorbitant phone bill since the malware keeps sending many silent messages. The high bill is also attributed to the uninterrupted spyware activities.

Initially, RedDrop, that developed the malware deployed a Chinese language with content for adult in the app and then the English speaking lots were also targetted which the researchers call a global operation.

The gang of hackers never direct the users to download the malicious ones in a jiffy since their network keeps spreading over 3,000 domains, which if allowed to work, helps an user install the malware.

Even a single dropper, if downloaded, easily takes control over the entire server and the system to keep downloading many other components encouraging the user to proceed.

Clear evidence to blame those behind RedDrop and its hybrid infection eludes. But the ulterior motive behind this is beyond doubt, is espionage which is why, the hang of hackers have immense resource invested in the malware.
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