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Russia behind the Olympic cyber attack!

The US investigators probing the cyber attack on the 300 personal computers deployed in the Winter Olympics, 2018 claimed to have received some striking evidence to blame Russia for the mess up.

The intelligence inputs have suggested active role of a league of Russian spies who launched a malware on the opening day of the event, a month after the attack on the south Korean routers.

Sources claimed to have possessed a great deal of glaring evidence that the spies in question had access to North Korean internet to deploy in the attack to pin the blame on the country at a time when the country pins hopes on the games to bridge the yawning gap with South Korea.

But the US investigators find it difficult to go public blaming it on the Russian spies for the mess up in the internet broadcast system where many PCs refused to function properly to print out the tickets.

Some other circumstances have helped the investigators come to such a conclusion since Russia’s name cropped up after the Olympic authority disclosed ban on doping as revealed in the health data of the Olympic athletes after the 2016 event.

These schemes of things are grim reminder of the NotPetya, the incident of dreaded cyber attack that virtually disabled many PCs across the world last year. There is no dearth of clues to indict the same hackers for this attack that lasted for a short spell of time.

Even after in the possession of so much evidence, there is hardly any chance to focus to the blame of Russia since the game hosting nation remains tightlipped over the cyber attack incident that partially disrupted the recent global games event.

The investigators and event promoters might maintain studied silence. But they are now at least in the know that cyber security in all probability pose a serious threat to a global event and care and attention are the need of the hour to do away with this impending problem.

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