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Google mechanism for safety of smartphones

A new effective mechanism will make it quite difficult for the hackers to target the Pixel smartphones these days.

 Days are not far when the repeated attempts to update the firmware of a Pixel smartphone would be a daunting task without an access to the user’s password.
The US based information technology titan, of late, claimed to have put in place the firmware integrity protection system, first of its kind, to Pixel 2 smartphones to hold the hackers at bay who keep often tampering the smartphones.

This, it is precisely, a new mechanism to ensure the security of the smartphones.

 The cyber security experts say the new system would not allow any malicious insider to operate from any part of the device, since the hardware components along with other key parts would remain safe and any attempt to update these would require the password and the hackers have no easy access to it.

 The data stored in the hardware components of the device, beyond doubt, would be safe and secured like never before leaving little space for the hackers to strike.

 Moreover, the hardware which would keep running in a specified system of security would protect the user’s password where nobody can take resort to a guessing game to procure the password as the mechanism would constantly verify it, which would ensure its safety and security.

 Another system is in place to protect the firmware of a smartphone which is simply a code and once it us signed, no hacker can replace it even after repeated attempts with the help of a new one.

 Now no attacker has any key mechanism to put afresh a password to bypass the one belonging to the user.

 More fresh mechanism is in the offing to counter the security threat of the smartphones.

 Google, which developed the mechanism wants to ensure that the password of a smartphone remains safe at any cost.

 With this new Firmware Integrity Protection System to Pixel Smartphones, the hackers won't be able either to compromise the digital signature or to procure the user’s password.

 Experts say one of the duo might be compromised. But nobody can have the access to the both at the same time.
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