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Air Canada Exposes the Personal Details of 20000 Customers

Air Canada Data Breach affects the users of Its Mobile App.

A security breach incident occurred in Air Canada as the personal details of approx. 1% (i.e. 20,000 users) of the airline customers was exposed. The matter came to light as the airline authorities saw an unauthorized access to its mobile application and uploaded a notice on their official website about the same on the 28th of August 2018.

The company said that it had "observed odd log-in behaviour" transpiring between August 22-24.

The attackers - apart from the sensitive data that users may have had - likewise had access to passport numbers and expiry date, passport country of issuance, NEXUS numbers alongside essential profile data, gender, dates of birth, nationality and country of residence.

In any case, the company expresses that the credit card numbers remained unaffected in the break yet at the same time advised the customers to keep a mind on every one of their transactions.

As an extra security precautionary measure, the Air Canada authorities saw it fit to have locked all Air Canada mobile Application accounts with a specific end goal to protect their customers' data.

In this way, each of the 1.7 million customers of Air Canada will have to sign in again to the apps. Air Canada, along with sending messages to the customers influenced by the breach is currently looking for more ways to keep the customers at ease and is focused on sending mails to the customers with directions to reset logins.

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Air Canada

Personal Security Breach