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Latest Cyber-Crime Prey: The Port of Barcelona

Cyber-criminals attacked the Port of Barcelona on Thursday morning disrupting a few of its servers and systems.

The attack shook the organizations on a superficial level but thanks to the contingency plan that was specially designed for such situations; the attack couldn’t wreak much damage.

The organization took to Twitter to inform the public about the occurrence of the incident. Not much regarding the attack is out in the open except for what the tweets say. Several of the servers of the organization were affected to a certain level. The Department of Information Systems is hot on the trail and is checking out the severity of the attack and looking out for solutions to mitigate the effects.

A couple of days before facing the attack, the organization had tweeted about how unsafe everyone is from a cyber-attack and how the activities and security of the stakeholders is at risk due to it.

The tweet included an article about the major challenges faced by the ports in relation with cyber-security. Vulnerabilities must be gotten rid of before the criminals sniff them out. Protocols must also be crafted to prepare for the unforeseen cyber-attacks.

The attack was pretty well handled by the Port Authority and later it was informed that the maritime operations were working as per usual and within regular parameters. Reception and delivery operations which were thought to be delayed also proceeded without interruption.

The organization has decided to keep mum about the subject and hence any assumption made about the scenario wouldn’t be judicial. 
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