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Most Common Types of Cyberattacks as Seen Today

Some of the internet’s greatest dangers and the most popular scams to watch out for.

As cyber-attacks are on a continuous rise they have resulted in being one of the major threats to the world. Since 2008 there has never been much concern given about the imminent threat of cyber-attacks but the steady and rapid evolution of time and technology has changed it. It is a major wake up call to the various existing companies and organisation to secure themselves as well as their customers to not fall victim to such attacks.

Therefore in order to comprehend different ways through which an attacker might resort to for hacking into an organisation, here’s an overview of some of the most common types of attacks seen today:

Alluding to the different types of harmful software, for example, viruses and ransomware. Once the malware enters the computer system it is more than capable of causing quite havoc. From taking control of the PC to observing your activities, to quietly sending a wide range of classified information from your PC or system to the attacker's home base.

Attackers will utilize a miscellany of techniques to get the malware into your PC; however at some stage it regularly requires the user to make a move to install the malware. This can incorporate clicking a link to download a document, or opening an attachment that may look safe but in reality it has a malware installer hidden inside.

At the point when an attacker needs the user to install the malware or unveil any sensitive data, they frequently resort to phishing attacks, an attacker may send you an email that will appear to be rather legitimate, it will contain an attachment to open or a link to click. When you do so it'll thereby install malware in your computer. There is likewise a probability that the link will connect you to a website that appears quite legitimate and requests you to sign in, in order to access a critical document—with the exception of the website actually being a trap used to capture your credentials when you attempt to sign in.

When the attacker specifically focuses on a specific site's users it settles on Cross-Site Scripting attack. The attack includes infusing malignant code into a site; however for this situation the site itself isn't being attacked. Rather, the pernicious code the assailant has infused just keeps running in the user's program when they visit the infected site, and it pursues the user directly and not the site.

Cross-webpage scripting attacks can altogether harm a website's notoriety by setting the users' data in danger without any sign that anything pernicious even happened. Any sensitive data a user sends to the website, for example, their qualifications, credit card information, or other private information—can be captured by means of cross-site scripting without the site owners acknowledging there was even an issue in the first place.


When it comes to credentials, variety is always essential. Users today however have so many logins and passwords to remember from that it's very tempting to reuse some of them to make life somewhat less demanding. Now despite the fact that it is suggested that you have interesting passwords for every one of your applications and sites, numerous individuals still reuse their passwords which unfortunately is a fact that attackers heavily rely upon. Once these attackers have a compilation of these usernames and passwords from an already breached site, they then utilize these same credentials on different sites where there's a shot they'll have the chance to sign in.

This nonetheless, is only a small selection of some very common attack types and methods as likewise with the advancement in time and innovation, new techniques will be developed by attackers. The users however are advised to be aware of such attacks and fundamentally try at enhancing their available security.

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Credential Reuse

Cross Site Scripting



Phishing Attack