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A Trojan App on Google Play Store Stealing Users Sensitive Data

Trojan app on Google Play that can spy location, steal bank details from Android phone.

Cyber security specialists at Cisco Talos have discovered a malware denominated as GPlayed, a Google Play Market Place application that is indistinguishable to the design of Google Play store icon and other subsidiary applications. GPlayed is capable for deceiving users into installing it on their Android phone and lose sensitive data to hackers.

This issue is a risky one as clueless many gullible users may install the app. on the given that it is a reliable one indeed and wind up paying a "heavy price".

This dangerous Trojan malware in spite of the fact that isn't yet live on the Google Play store yet is capable of and even transmitting Visa or bank details present in the phone and furthermore swing in to fulltime spyware equipped for following victim’s locations.

"What makes this malware extremely powerful is the capability to adapt after it's deployed. In order to achieve this adaptability, the operator has the capability to remotely load plugins, inject scripts and even compile new .NET code that can be executed," Cisco Talos report said.

Adding further they said that their analysis indicates that this Trojan is in its testing stage but given its potential, every mobile user should be aware of GPlayed. As mobile developers have recently begun eschewing traditional app stores and instead want to deliver their software directly through their own means. But GPlayed is an example of where this can go wrong, especially if a mobile user is not aware of how to distinguish a fake app versus a real one.

In spite of Google taking strict measures to control the stream of Android malware to the Play app store, it can't recognize Trojan malware covered up in authentic applications. General Android application users are thus advised to be cautious in installing, such resembling phony Google applications.

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Android Malware

Google Play Store
