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NASA On Hack Alert: Personal Data And Servers Compromised!

NASA’s recently been victimized by a data breach on its server that laid bare Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its former and present employees alike.

The breach surfaced as a result of an internal security audit conducted by NASA. It was realized that the social security numbers and other PII was available on the compromised server.

 It was only after a couple of months that the NASA employees were notified about the unfortunate issue, given that the security experts had gotten wise about it in the month of October.

When the employees came up with the concern regarding their stolen data, that’s when they were alerted about it all.

The matter will take a lot of looking into and is a concern of top agency priority. The examining of the servers is going on at full speed.

Needless to say, NASA and federal cyber-security are keenly trying to settle on the severity of the exfiltration and the identity theft of the possibly affected.

According to what NASA has cited, none of its missions or secret data was compromised and everything is under control. Identity protection has also been offered to those who were supposedly affected by the compromised data.

NASA has also alluded that the civil service employees of NASA who were detached from the actual agency may have been subject to this hacking attack.

Reportedly, Instantaneous efforts were made to safeguard the servers and it was affirmed that individuals’ security is being taken very sincerely; also for NASA, as its spokespersons have mentioned, data security is paramount.

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