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Hackers threatening to reveal "Secret Data" files related to 9/11 attacks

A group of hackers is threatening to release a large cache of confidential files of the September 11 attacks that shook the whole world.

Hackers published the threat on Pastebin, where the group is known as The Dark Overlord. They have been blackmailing several individuals and organizations like Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London, and Silverstein Properties, and claim to have access to over 18,000 secret documents, Motherboard reports.

"Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet ensuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers," the group said.

It is unclear what kind of data files the hackers have access to. They demand a huge ransom to be paid in Bitcoins, and it might be that they are capitalizing on conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks.

“We'll be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18.000 secret documents leak,” the group tweeted.

According to the Motherboard reports, the spokesperson of the Hiscox Group said that the hackers had breached a law firm that advised the company, and likely stolen files related to litigation around the 9/11 attacks.

“The law firm’s systems are not connected to Hiscox’s IT infrastructure and Hiscox’s own systems were unaffected by this incident. One of the cases the law firm handled for Hiscox and other insurers related to litigation arising from the events of 9/11, and we believe that information relating to this was stolen during that breach,” the spokesperson wrote in an email.

“Once Hiscox was informed of the law firm’s data breach, it took action and informed policyholders as required. We will continue to work with law enforcement in both the UK and US on this matter,” they added.
The Dark Overlord has sent an extortion note with a link for a 10GB archive of files which it stole from the companies. However, the cache is encrypted, but they are threatening to release the keys, which would unlock different sets of files at a time.

“Pay the fuck up, or we're going to bury you with this. If you continue to fail us, we'll escalate these releases by releasing the keys, each time a Layer is opened, a new wave of liability will fall upon you,” the extortion note reads.

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