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India was the Biggest Victim in 2018’s Data Breaches – WEF’s Report

The government ID database, Aadhaar, became a victim to multiple data breaches which are reported to have compromised the database of 1.1 billion citizens of the country who were registered.

In 2018, Cybercrime, more threatening than ever, instigated back to back data breaches across the world which endangered the personal records of millions of people and India is reported to be the largest victim of those breaches.

The findings of the World Economic Forum's 14th edition of Global Risks Report 2019, stated the risks to which Environmental degradation is being exposed to; out of the top five most impactful global problems this year, four are related to climate. 

In 2019, geo-economic and geopolitical are the most vital concerns and 90 percent of experts are anticipating further conflict among the major powers.

In January, the criminals were reported to be selling access to the personal records of citizens at a cost of 500 Rs for a time period of 10 minutes, while, in March, a leak allowed the names and ID numbers of the registered citizens to be downloaded by anyone. 

Other recent instances of data breaches include millions of users of Facebook and MyFitnessPal having their personal data compromised. 

The report by World Economic Forum outlined the deteriorated international relations which pose serious challenges.  It highlighted the reduced ability of the world to battle urgent crises.

Other aspects put forth by The Global Risks Report includes the rapid worsening of trade disputes, deterioration in economic and geopolitical conditions and worsened international cooperation. Furthermore, the findings of the reports indicated further challenges to multilateral trading rules and agreements.

As per the eighty-five percent of the participants to 2019’s survey,   heightened risks of "political confrontations between major powers" are expected as the year progresses. Beyond the short term, environmental dangers have continued to dominate the concerns of the survey participants for over 10 years.

Referenced from the statements given by Borge Brende, President, World Economic Forum, "With global trade and economic growth at risk in 2019, there is a more urgent need than ever to renew the architecture of international cooperation. What we need now is coordinated, concerted action to sustain growth and to tackle the grave threats facing our world today,"

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