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The Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Austria was attacked by hackers.

The Russian Embassy in Austria reported a recorded hacker attack aimed at creating obstacles the normal operation of the Consular Department of the Diplomatic Mission.

The Embassy explained that since the beginning of 2019, employees of the Department began to notice a systematic non-appearance of a large number of applicants who registered on the website through the electronic queue system. Also, citizens began to complain that the appointment was only possible in the months in advance. It is noted that since the beginning of 2019, some days no one who registered for an appointment came to the reception.

"Special technical services, at our request, checked the situation for possible manipulation of information networks from outside, as a result, more than 300 applications were found, processed in an automated mode from IP addresses from Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia and several other countries," said the representative of the Embassy.

According to the Diplomatic Mission, it was decided to remove these applications and block their sources and to date, the percentage of absenteeism of the applicants returned to the usual numbers.

Dmitry Lubinsky, Russian Ambassador to Austria, stressed that it was malicious actions aimed at the actual sabotage of the Consular Department of the Embassy. It is impossible to exclude repeated attacks, but they will closely monitor the situation in the interests of visitors.
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National Cyber Security

Russian Cyber Security