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The Program " The straight line with Vladimir Putin” underwent a DDoS attack.

The straight line call center with Russian President Vladimir Putin was DDoS-attacked from abroad. It is noted that due to this fact there were problems with connection during Putin's communication with the Russians.

The host of the program on the air told, "Our call center just underwent a massive DDoS attack from abroad, apparently, failures in video calls are associated with this. The total number of calls is already approaching two million”.

The press service of Russia's largest provider of digital services Rostelecom said, “Two powerful attacks happened. Rostelecom successfully repelled the attacks. The attacks did not affect the straight line operation."

An interesting fact is that Margarita Simonyan, the editor of the Russian international news channel RT, said that the attack of hackers was carried out from the territory of Ukraine.

Alexey Malnev, the Head of the Monitoring and Response Center at Jet Infosystem, said that in the period from 2013 to 2015, almost every political or economic event was subjected to a powerful surge of attacks.

The expert stressed that the hacker attack on the straight line with Russian President Vladimir Putin was carried out in order to destabilize the situation.

"Today we can say with confidence that this is a wave of the established trend of recent years," said Malnev.

He also added that the cyber war in the modern world is permanent. The expert noted that in the future we should continue to expect similar as well as more complex attacks.

It is worth noting that the Program "The straight line with Vladimir Putin" is already the 17th since 2001 and takes place in the classical format. The President is in the Studio, where he answers questions of interest to Russians, received both by phone and through the direct line website or a special application. If necessary, the Head of State may contact the Heads of regions and Ministers on various issues.

Usually at the end of a straight line Putin draws up a list of instructions, appointing responsible persons and deadlines for the execution of each task.

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