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All data is in plastic: the usual passports of Russians will begin to change into digital

The Russian government has determined the basic parameters of the future electronic passport. Documents of the new type will be issued to Russians from 2020 in Moscow, and it is planned to fully switch to digital passports by 2022.

Paper passports will no longer be issued, but old documents will remain valid until their expiration date. People over 45 will continue to use paper documents indefinitely.

The e-passport will become a universal carrier of information about a person, necessary for his identification. The government is discussing the addition of other personal data to such a document, such as electronic signatures, fingerprints, insurance number.

However, the design of the electronic passport has not yet been approved. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the main version is a plastic card with a chip, which will be complemented by the secure mobile application "My passport".

Such a document looks like a Bank card with a high degree of protection NFC-based chip will be integrated into the card and the card will also have a QR code and holographic protection. All components for the new document will be only "made in Russia".
Crypto-protection will increase the protection of a new passport against fakes. In addition, the mobile application "My passport" will give the opportunity to use a cloud digital signature, which is convenient for entrepreneurs. It is planned that the application will be available for all platforms — Android, iOS and even for the Russian operating system Aurora.

The government promised to pay maximum attention to the protection of electronic passports from hacking and manipulation.

It is interesting to note that Georgian citizens can already receive an electronic identity card, they can get it within three days for $ 10. A “smart” chip embedded in a plastic passport allows identifying the owner and getting all the information about his property, tax payments and even health.

"Now more than three million citizens of Georgia have electronic passports. Citizens from 14 years of age must obtain a passport", – said Givi Azarashvili, the Director of the House of Justice.

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