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Data of Bank customers in Russia are becoming more expensive on the Darknet

In the first half of 2019, the price of banking customer data has rapidly increased on the Darknet. Thus, the cost of obtaining data on cards or statements of operations increased by 3-7 times. At the beginning of the year, the client's account statement could be purchased for 2 thousand rubles ($ 32), now its cost can reach 15 thousand rubles ($ 238).

According to the Positive Technologies analyst Vadim Solovyov, data on ATMs used by the client appeared on many sites, their price is from 8 thousand ($ 127) to 15 thousand rubles ($ 238). He noted, rather, this information can be used in traditional criminal schemes, for example, so that the fraudster's call to the client sounded more reliable.

"If the cost has increased, it means that the methods of countering leaks in banks have significantly complicated the business of attackers", the Central Bank believes.

The Head of the Information Security Department of the Open-Bank Vladimir Zhuravlev associated the price increase with a change in the type of attacks on customers. According to him, earlier fraudsters often used technical means, such as Trojans, phishing links or skimming. Now 90% of the theft occurs using social engineering methods, where the availability of personal customer data is very helpful to the fraudster.

The Central Bank does not disclose official statistics on the theft of funds of individuals in the first half of the year. However, law enforcement officers recorded an increase in successful thefts from bank accounts. For example, in the Kurgan region, the number of crimes has doubled, in the Smolensk region has grown five times.

According to Stanislav Pavlunin, the Vice-President of Post-Bank, the Bank uses different approaches and methods to combat internal fraud, for example, photo and video shooting of monitor screens, as well as official documents, presentations containing confidential information is prohibited.

It is interesting to note that Sixgill analysts have prepared a report, according to which Russia took the last place in the number of stolen bank cards. The researchers see two reasons for such low rates: the first is a large percentage of Russian cybercriminals, and the second is the economic situation in Russia.
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