Where, in one case, the extent of severity of the attack
happens to be so large that the only way to safe-guard the device would be to
delete all data on it.
The other case saw some files being copied off the device
without needing the user to do anything. The fixes were released last week by
But somehow there was a problem which couldn’t be fixed in
the updates, which was brought to the attention of the company by the
Google’s Project Zero Team was established in July 2014 with
an aim to dig all the “previously undocumented cyber vulnerabilities”.
Samaung, Microsoft, Facebook and a few others were warned
off by this team regarding the problems in their code.
The unrepaired flaw, according to Apple’s own sources could
aid the hackers to crash an app or execute commands of its own accord on iPads,
iPhones and iPod Touches.
Installation of new version of the iOS (iOS 12.4) has been
strongly advised by the organization. The attacks/dangers could be easily handled by
keeping the software up-to-date.